Reinstate using the abbreviated title for assignments within the gradebook instead of the long title.

The abbreviated title is much easier to see when adding grades if similar assignments have the same long title at the beginning of the assignment.

  • Guest
  • Sep 13 2021
Employee Name Patti Macmanus
User System Admin
  • Attach files
  • Megan Day commented
    March 01, 2024 15:31

    Another reason this idea needs to be considered...Some gradebook reports use assignment abbreviations. We have teachers run the "Missing Assignments" report from their gradebooks for student/parent meetings and now we have to tell everyone they MUST use abbreviations or the report is useless. The reports need to either pull the full assignment title, which is required, or abbreviations need to be required again.

  • Guest commented
    October 04, 2021 20:03

    Perhaps even better would be to have the abbreviation option for teachers and the full title option for the public facing gradebook.

  • Guest commented
    October 04, 2021 20:03

    Yes, please add it back. the abbreviation is much more useful than the full title (for many teachers, we've created an abbreviation system over the years that works for us).

  • Guest commented
    September 16, 2021 19:33

    I agree that it should be an option for teachers in the grade book. It is still a required field for the assignments but you cannot access it or search for it.

  • Guest commented
    September 13, 2021 15:24

    +1 for this. Or even better, have the ability for teachers to choose whether to use the Title or the Abbreviation in the Gradebook display options.