The ability to add internal NOTES to a student record (not just Official Notes)

We need to be able to add notes to a student's record (other than official notes). Please add an internal NOTE section (preferably in Academics), like the one recently added to Billing Management, where a table of note types can be created. We'd also like to be able to pull reports by the note types.

  • Donna Balbach
  • Sep 21 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Donna Balbach
User Support Admin
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Feb 19:29

    Also need to be able to export all notes for a student in a nice way, no HTML in comments like they do for Official Notes.

  • Guest commented
    December 26, 2024 23:29

    Yes, with the uptick in behavioral issues and stricter state record retention laws, we need someplace to put case notes. Also, the date column is the date it was entered, not the actual event date.

  • Guest commented
    September 26, 2024 17:32

    This already exists in Enrollment Management, and is desperately needed in Core/Academics. Raiser's Edge is a good model - Note Type, Date, Description, Text (RTF).

  • Guest commented
    September 17, 2024 23:36

    I agree. Our deans need somewhere to communicate to next year's deans about a student, or record a quick parent call, or if they left a VM, etc. They are bugging me every week about not being able to edit notes that they saved. Some keep it on paper, then upload it as a document, but then you can't run reports.

  • Brian Panichelle commented
    August 08, 2024 16:04

    Actually add it to core and permit access to each of the other areas-- that way we can have a comprehensive communication record that is not "Official" allow the notes to be tagged by Enrollment/ Academics/ Billing/ Giving, etc.

  • Guest commented
    July 24, 2023 15:52

    And a pop up would be great. So we know if there is a no contact order or something that is very important.

  • Guest commented
    June 08, 2023 14:39

    Yes! Please!!!!!! I would also like to see the option of creating a form, where teachers can fill up information about a student for the next student to come.

  • Guest commented
    November 10, 2022 20:26

    I would love for teachers to be able to add their own private notes that only they can see (or they can select which roles can see). They should be able to add multiple types of notes throughout their time teaching them (like to track if the met with a student). The official notes feature is clunky and not a good tool for teachers.

  • Chris Felinski commented
    November 10, 2022 11:52

    Agree 100% on this. One of the things we need to do is keep of log of when we send transcripts off to colleges for students who request them years later (not those that just graduate). It would be great to have a general note section on the student record that could be for anything like this.

  • Alla Londinski commented
    September 17, 2022 16:52

    It would also be helpful to have an ability to import notes If we need to put a same note to a group of students, past students, or graduates. We should be able to include the notes into advanced lists as well and filter by the note types.

  • Ross Knudsen commented
    August 08, 2022 16:13

    This would be very helpful in multiple ways. Official notes as constructed is more often than not the wrong tool for the job.

  • Guest commented
    July 20, 2022 17:56

    YES, PLEASE!!! There needs to be more open areas to add information with NO character limit. This has been a huge frustration as our school is trying to put student info into Blackbaud and there isn't a place to do it.

  • Guest commented
    November 01, 2021 15:17

    Definitely need a notes section. But it must also be able to be pulled into a list or report. The note recently added to Billing Management cannot be used in any list or report.

  • Guest commented
    October 29, 2021 17:32

    You have to do this!!!!!!

  • Stephen Pilon commented
    September 29, 2021 13:47

    The ability to add notes on records is important. And it needs to be available on all records, thus from Core as well as in EM, Academics, Bill Mgmt, Extra.

  • John Schlachter commented
    September 22, 2021 15:47

    This open notes field, to be clear, is not a means of communication to students, but a way for us to have working memory of who students are, what their needs are, and how we can communicate effectively with them at any time, now or far in the future. The official notes portion of BEM is great for managing actions and communicating them to students or other constituents. Such an open field in Core is more about reflections and reminders for administrators about who each student is and what their idiosyncratic needs might be.

  • Sr. Jeana Visel commented
    September 22, 2021 15:21

    Please, please, please make it possible to keep notes on students, regardless of their current status. I have not been able to keep notes on students for over a year since transitioning to this new system, and it is making it difficult to keep up with when I last talked with them, what their life situation is, why they are taking time off, etc. The system needs to be able to include notes for why they might defer enrolling in classes as well as why they might temporarily be taking time off, thoughts about potential course plans, etc. Thank you to attending to this in a timely way.

  • Kathy Troesch commented
    September 22, 2021 14:12

    Core would be the ideal place by individual person, this would only be used internally. We add notes on Past Students, our Graduate Theology students do not always take classes continuously. We would need a type of tracking/reporting capability. So we would need to be able to setup a type of notes, similar to official notes to make this more reporting friendly. Also, we would need to be able to pull the personas when running the reports.

  • Donna Balbach commented
    September 22, 2021 13:42

    Actually, it would be better in Core (instead of Academics). We need to be able to add a note to students, past students, and alumni.

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