Add Internal Email Notifications for Contracts (submitted)

Add the ability to create internal notifications (specific to each contract created) when a contract has been submitted by a candidate, or student, etc. Currently there is only the ability to edit a general internal (email) notification when a contract is submitted, but this is not useful if we have multiple contracts assigned for multiple payment types, entering years, etc.

  • Cecelia Gronemeyer
  • Nov 15 2021
Employee Name Cecelia Gronemeyer
  • Attach files
  • Candi Roberts commented
    06 Feb 19:59

    We need different people to be notified for only certain contracts when they are submitted. We need to be able to determine this the same way we do for school forms.

  • Guest commented
    January 17, 2024 23:01

    I would vote for this if I could.

  • Guest commented
    August 09, 2023 16:52

    Yes to all of the above and below. Different departments handle different contract types and we would like to be able to send notifications based on the contract type, rather than being forced into a one size fits all that doesn't actually work for anyone across the board.

  • Guest commented
    March 22, 2023 15:23

    It would be very helpful if the merge fields on the Email Subject Line of the Contract Notifications to Administration included which contract was submitted. Different teams handle different contracts and it would be helpful to have more info at a glance. Thank you!

  • Guest commented
    February 14, 2022 21:46

    Would appreciate the ability to send out notification based on contract type. The Registrar deals with re-enrollment and Admissions deals with new student contracts and the notifications should have a reply to based on the department that is sending out the contract. Currently, after re-enrollment we need to change the reply to admissions office and any re-enrollment after our initial re-enrollment deadlines would receive a notification from the admissions office. Would be great to have the notification be linked to the type of contract or contract itself. Thank you for this consideration.

  • Guest commented
    November 16, 2021 12:53

    This is also related to several other ideas for adding information to the "contract submitted" notification. We can't currently use the notification because it doesn't specify the grade the student is in. Ideally, we would be able to send notifications internally based on contract features like grade, or even eventually things like whether they are international students or have certain payment plans.